Rugged Tablets for Public Safety

Zebra Technologies offers a broad range of rugged tablets for public safety applications such as fire, police, emergency, and rescue. Options are available in a variety of sizes, form factors, and Windows as well as Android OS. Three product families are available:

  1. ET5X Series – rugged, thin, and lightweight
  2. L10 Series – extremely powerful, versatile, and rugged
  3. XSlate Series – large screen and lightest weight in class

See the entire family of Zebra rugged tablets for public safety here:

Download the brochure here: Zebra Rugged Tablets for Public Safety

CSSI is certified to sell to PA state and municipal buyers through a number of programs such as COSTARS and ITQ. Please see our government sales page to learn more. We welcome inquiries on rugged tables for public safety, and look forward to helping you achieve your agency or department goals.

Rugged tablets for public safety

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