Zebra Xi4 Printer Discontinued. Here Is Your Best Upgrade Option.
Save when upgrading to the ZT600

As of May 2023, Zebra has discontinued support for its long-time workhorse Xi4 industrial printer. This means that support and replacement parts are no longer available. If you are one of the many companies utilizing the Xi4, it’s time to update to a newer model so that you don’t risk unplanned downtime.

Best Upgrade Option for Zebra Xi4

Our recommended upgrade option for the Xi4 is the ZT600 family of industrial printers. The ZT600 is packed with Zebra’s latest innovations and brings the performance and durability you require to support your label printing operations. With the help of Zebra’s trade-in program, you can also save up to $350 per printer when you upgrade!

Contact CSSI to Demo the ZT600 Series

Please complete the form at right to setup your demo of the powerful ZT600 series printers. CSSI is able to assist your upgrade process with our Zebra product line expertise and money-saving Zebra trade-in rebates which are available if you act soon.

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