Mobile Device Battery Management Boosts Productivity
Resolve downtime and device battery failure problems before they even occur

Are Your Mobile Scanner Batteries Ready For the Workday?

Proactive maintenance, rather than reactive crisis management, is the key to a successful operating environment. Batteries, in particular, are a frequent point of failure. When it comes to managing growing fleets of mobile computers and rugged tablets, it gets harder and harder to stay ahead of battery power problems. Luckily, CSSI has smart battery management system solutions which allow you to quickly identify rechargeable battery issues before they become a crisis and interrupt a work shift.

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The Shocking High Cost of Warehouse Downtime

Studies show that 1 hour of unplanned downtime can cost up to $10,000 per hour… and about 45% of downtime is a direct result of hardware failure.

Several Root Causes of Mobile Device Battery Failures

Process Failures

Most commonly, devices are not able to function as required during the work day simplyl because procedures were not followed:

  • Mobile units were not properly connected to chargers
  • Mobile units have gone missing and have not been returned to the correct location

Equipment Failures

Less frequently, devices are not able to function due to problems or deterioration with the equipment itself:

  • Battery life is nearing its end, and remaining battery capacity is insufficient – charge can no longer be accepted due to poor battery health
  • Battery charging units have gone bad and are no longer capable of charging
  • Mobile devices themselves have some issue which impacts rate of battery drain or charge

Smart Mobile Device Battery Management

Whether battery pack problems are due to process or equipment failure, smart mobile device battery management software can help.

  • Smart battery software provides notice of charging status across the entire device fleet – quickly identifying devices with low battery level
  • Proactively notify teams of units with poor rechargeable battery health and low charge capacity, indicating that batteries need to be replaced or retired
  • Provide notice of devices which have gone missing and are not properly accounted for
  • Produce metrics which allow you to predict battery power life cycles and proactively mitigate downtime so you can reallocate time spent searching for uncharged batteries to more important tasks.

Contact CSSI For Mobile Device Battery Management

To discuss mobile battery monitor options with CSSI, please contact us . We would be glad to work with you to discussy battery performance tools to improve your mobile device uptime.

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