CSSI Announces Android Device Provisioning Service
Receive Android mobile computers which are pre-configured and ready to deploy right out of the box.

Following on the launch of its unique Device Lifecycle Management service, CSSI is pleased to announce a new Android Device Provisioning service. In an industry-leading move, CSSI Technologies has launched the enterprise mobile industry’s first lifecycle management program. With CSSI Device Lifecycle Management ™ , CSSI provides a service which provisions, manages, and updates Android mobile devices, removing the workload from customers’ overloaded internal IT teams. Perfect for companies completing a migration from Windows to Android.

Receive Android mobile computers which are configured and ready to deploy right out of the box, courtesy of CSSI Android Device Provisioning.

CSSI Device Provisioning has several benefits:

  • Removes the burden of android device configuration and provisioning from your overburdened internal IT team, which may lack free time as well as proficiency in Android.
  • With a fully managed device, you can ensure that a standard configuration is followed for every android enterprise device you deploy. Mobile device standards make setup, ongoing android device management and troubleshooting easier, and reduce security risks by improving mobile security. CSSI can handle creation of APK, device setup, and deployment of each android enterprise device to your users. We will work with you to create an android device policy, and ensure it is adhered to through our provisioning method, including creation of a QR code and APK for a standard configuration.
  • Ensures that when each managed device is sent out for warranty repair, it returns to your facility pre-configured for immediate use. This is a continual problem area for many customers, who find that devices may return from repair with new and non-compatible firmware versions.
  • Get each Android enterprise device into production use faster!

Learn more about CSSI Android Device Provisioning by clicking here.

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