Zebra MC3300 with rotating scan head
2018 will see a continuing wave of auto ID and mobile computing product launches which take advantage of the accelerating adoption of the Android OS. The Androids are coming! No kidding, Android is continuing to gain market share, which we believe is a good thing. Google is investing and developing this OS at the same time Microsoft is backing away.
Zebra has just unveiled a strong Android-certified contender for your next mobile computing project… the MC3300 (certified on Android Nougat). The Zebra product development team has really done their homework, both in terms of form factors, underlying technology, and consideration of real-life challenges (such as the desire to utilize existing portfolios of accessories and chargers). It’s an innovative raise-the-bar type of product, not a me-too. It’s packed with well-thought-out features, and it’s backed by Zebra which understands the needs of a demanding professional user base.
Here are just a few of the notable features of the MC3300:
- one scanner can capture images as close as 3 inches and as far as 70 feet
- multi-functional: doubles as walkie-talked and PBX handset
- 5-foot drop protection, and Gorilla Glass screen to give you years of use
- backwards-compatible with MC3200 accessories
- innovative new batteries which provide you metrics on battery health, allowing you to replace or take action before losing the use of the unit

The whole MC3300 family
MC3300 comes in 4 flavors:
- Brick with straight-shooter scanning – your basic hand-held
- Brick with 45-degree scanning – handy for retail applications, and any application where most of the scanned objects will be below the level of the mobile unit – save your workers from repeatedly bending and crouching
- Brick with innovative rotating head scanner – clever option to improve productivity by allowing user to keep eyes on the screen when scanning
- ‘Gun’ version with integrated pistol grip – the go-to option for intensive rapid-scanning applications. Note that, for some reason, the pistol grip is not an accessory – it is integrated into the housing of the unit. This means that you need to commit to the pistol grip at time of ordering.
As a Zebra partner, we were thrilled to get our hands on a unit and start putting it through its paces. Now it’s your turn! Contact CSSI to arrange your own in-person demo.
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