How To Verify General Ledger Account Setups Prior to Year-End Close

GP Tips For G/L Account Setups

To be sure that your general ledger year-end closing process runs smoothly, you should confirm that any new G/L accounts added during the year were set up properly.

You can use a SmartList to do this.  Open SmartList and go to Financial > Accounts.  Include the “Posting Type” and “Typical Balance” columns.  If either of these fields are incorrect for an account, it will not get closed correctly.  For instance, if a balance sheet account is set up as a profit and loss account, the account balance will be zeroed out during year-end closing.

Also add the “Created Date” column.  This way you can filter the list to only include new accounts added during the current fiscal year (as shown below in the Search window.)

To fix an account, simply double-click on that account and the Account Maintenance window will open.  Make the necessary change, save the account then Refresh the SmartList.

Get Help With GP G/L Account Setups

Need support or training for GP? The team at CSSI stands ready to help you. Please contact us to discuss your GP issues.

One favorite year-end activity is inventory stock counts!  A new feature, added in GP 18.3 (October 2020 release), is the ability to export and import Stock Count data to and from Excel.

The Stock Count Schedule window has a new “Export/Import” button.  This button becomes available once the schedule has been Started.  The export action will create a file called stockcountmmddyy.xlsx in whatever file location you choose.

inventory stock count import or export

Once you’ve entered your counts in the spreadsheet, go to the Stock County Entry window.  Click on the Export/Import window, select Import and browse out to and select your file.  Counts can still be manually edited after the import has been run.

If you need to reimport the file, you’ll first need to click on Clear Count.

We hope this is a helpful tip for importing or exporting year-end inventory stock counts in GP. Need help? Please contact CSSI.

Year-end processing time is here again!  And the last module that gets closed is general ledger.  With the release of GP 2013, a new checkbox was added where you can mark the checkbox to “Maintain Inactive Accounts”.

 • With this option marked, it will enable additional options to maintain All Inactive Accounts or just those With Budget Amounts associated with them. Mark the option you prefer.

 • If this checkbox is not marked, then ALL inactive accounts will be deleted that meet the criteria listed below, even if they were used in a budget.

• No balance
• No activity for an open period
• No account history amounts
• Not part of an allocation account
• Not part of an unposted transaction
• No multicurrency data
• No transaction history records

Inactive accounts and year-end close

We hope this is a helpful tip for handling your GP year-end close and inactive accounts! Need help? Please contact CSSI.