General Ledger Year-End Closing in GP

GP Year-End Closing Explained

Have you run your GL year-end closing routine yet?  Here is a refresher on what this process does.

  • Closes all Profit and Loss (P/L) account balances into Retained Earnings account(s)
  • Balance Sheet account balances are rolled forward to the new year by having Balance Brought Forward (BBF) entries created.
  • All open General Ledger records (GL20000) are moved to the historical table (GL30000).
  • Inactive General Ledger accounts without a balance and no historical transactions are removed if you are not ‘maintaining’ inactive accounts.
  • The Year that was just closed is marked as historical.

Even though you have closed the year, you can still post to that year. GP allows you to post back to the last closed year. Just be sure your Financial module is open in Fiscal Periods Setup (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Company > Fiscal Periods). GP also allows you to reverse a year-end closing.

When you reverse a historical year, the original Balance Brought Forward (BBF) journal entry gets removed from the system. Then when the year is re-closed, a new BBF entry is created. Once the year is re-opened, this allows you to post adjustments in the GL and when ready, you can re-close the year.

Need GP Support?

Contact the GP experts at CSSI for technical support, training, and GP upgrades.

GP Tip: How to bring back the navigation pane

Have you ever had the Navigation Pane disappear while using GP? Here’s how you can bring it back yourself!

The solution is to click the Layout Button in the top right corner of Microsoft Dynamics GP. Unselect and then re-select the Navigation Pane option.

When you select the Navigation Pane option the Navigation Pane will then be displayed in GP.

That’s it!

Need GP Technical Support

If you would like GP help, training, or upgrade support, the team of GP experts at CSSI would be glad to help. Please contact us for GP help.

GP Tip: Dynamics GP – Account Rollups

The GP Account Rollup Inquiry screen allows you to summarize information from GL several accounts and display this information in several ways such as Current and Previous years, Actuals vs. Budgets with variances. Use this as a quick way to view a sum of a group of related accounts.

1. Go to Financial > Inquiry > Account Rollup
2. Enter an Option ID
3. Press the Tab key
4. Select Yes to add this option
5. In the Sort By drop-down list, select the G/L account segment you want to use to sort the information that will be displayed.
6. Select the number of columns of information you want to display
7. For each column of information, enter the column heading you want to use, and the Type of information you want to display. If you selected Budget type, click on the lookup icon to the right of Selection to select your Budget ID. If you selected Calculated type, click on the blue arrow to the right of Selection to open the Account Rollup Inquiry Calculated Column window.

8. Enter restrictions to define the account segment ranges you want to use in this inquiry. You can set up multiple ranges for a single segment.
9. Click on Save
10. Go back to the Option ID you created and click on Redisplay. You can choose to display either Net Change amounts or Period Balances.
11. Click to select an amount then drill-down on one of the blue underlined column headers to see the account breakdown.

Need GP Help?

Need more help with GP? Please contact CSSI for expert GP support.

Are you excited about data? Data increasingly provides a competitive advantage to today’s leading organization. How effectively are you utilizing data within your organization?

  • Do the right people have easy access to the data they need to make decisions?
  • Do you have informative, easy-to-share dashboards in place to monitor business results?
  • Are your reports flexible and dynamic? Are non-technical users able to slice and dice the data?
  • Are you able to tie together and compile data stockpiled in various databases throughout your organization?
  • If the answer to any or all of the above is “no”, then how much could you improve your business by turning “no” to “yes”?

In the following webinar, we discuss the power of analytics and Microsoft’s Power BI software, a tool which puts powerful analytical capabilities in the hands of even non-technical users. Power BI enables you to create dashboards and dynamic reports, pushing data down to the users who need it.

Learn more about how CSSI can help you utilize and implement Power BI:

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Dynamics GP Management Reporter for Beginners FAQ

Microsoft’s Management Reporter tool can be extremely useful for Dynamics GP users to create a financial report such as balance sheet , trial balance , income statement , and really any kind of financial statements . Here are answers to several frequently asked questions about the Microsoft Dynamic GP Management Reporter tool:

Questions answered here:

What’s the most current version of Microsoft Management Reporter available?
The most current version of Management Reporter is Management Reporter 2012. It’s the Cumulative Updates (service pack update versions) that you want to keep your eye on since it’s unclear as to whether there will be full future versions of Management Reporter released. The most current version and service pack (CU16) is: 2.12.16002.0

What version of Management Reporter will work with my current Dynamics GP version?
We’re so glad you asked! It does make a difference. Here are the versions of GP that the most current version of Management Reporter will work with:
GP 2013
GP 2013 R2
GP 2015
GP 2015 R2
GP 2016
GP 2016 R2
GP 2018

If you’re thinking about using Management Reporter or upgrading GP, be sure to investigate version compatibility. Not sure where to find this information? Contact us at [email protected] and we’ll help you find the information you need.

What if I’d like to upgrade Management Reporter?
Contact us at [email protected] for more information. We’re happy to help you out! We can also support and train you on report design, using this report designer to create multiple reports, and setting up your data warehouse / management reporter database.

How do I know what version of Management Reporter my organization is currently running?
In Management Reporter, click on Help and select About Management Reporter

On the About Management Reporter screen, look for the version information:

Is there more than one way to add a row to the reporting tree in Management Reporter?
a) Right-click and select to insert the new row amongst existing rows:
Click to edit the reporting tree:

Right-click where you’d like to add the new row and select Insert Reporting Unit:

b) Select the row where you’d like to insert the new row and click the Insert Row button:

c) Copy and paste an existing row
Right-click and Copy the row you’d like to duplicate and then right-click and Paste where you’d like it to be inserted

Most times I need to see results for the year so far, and other times I just want to see results for the current month. How do I change the timeframe for which an individual report runs?
a) On the Report tab, you can specify which month you’d like set as your Base Period.

b) Click the Column details icon.

c) In the Periods Covered field(s), select whether you want the fields to register as YTD (Year to Date) or PERIODIC (Periodic). YTD will show any data from the beginning of the year up to the month you’ve selected as your Base period. Periodic will show data only for the month you’ve selected as your Base period.

It’s easier for me to review field mappings in Microsoft Excel. What’s the easiest way for me to review the row definitions in Excel?
a) On the Report tab, select the Rows details icon.

b) Copy the data fields in the Row Definition

Pro Tip: Instead of trying to manually select and copy all the fields, just double-click in the square in the top-left corner of the fields. It will auto-select all data fields in a snap!

c) Open a New Excel Book and paste the data.

Training GP Management Reporter Training Videos

Your Next Steps

Want to learn more about Dynamics GP, receive Management Reporter training, or learn how to create financial statements such as a balance sheet in MR? Join our GP mailing list:

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Management Reporter is a powerful interactive financial reporting tool used with Microsoft Dynamics GP and other ERP systems. Management Reporter allows Controllers, Accountants, and other Finance team members to create custom reports without the help of their IT team. Ease of use, native Active Directory integration, and scalability are just a few of the reasons why Management Reporter is a great reporting and financial statement tool.

In this recorded webinar, the CSSI Technologies GP team provides a tutorial on Dynamics GP Management Reporter tutorial for beginners. This is part 1 of a 2 part series (see part 2 here – Intermediate Management Reporter Tutorial).

This Dynamics GP Management Reporter tutorial includes:

  • Management Reporter overview
  • Report structure – report definition and how to build a report
  • Running reports – sample report outputs, and how to export reports to Microsoft Excel

Management Reporter can be used as a report designer for many different types of financial data reports:

  • Income Statement
  • Balance Sheet
  • Cash Flow Statement
  • General Ledger

Ready to move on to the second webinar in this series: Did you miss the first webinar in this series, GP Intermediate Management Reporter Tutorial? Click here to view.

CSSI can support you with report creation and training using Management Reporter, Power BI, and SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) and other tools. Interested to learn how CSSI Technologies can help to support your Dynamics GP usage, or to learn about future webinars? Contact us:

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