Dynamics GP Intermediate Management Reporter Tutorial

This video is part 2 of a 2-part series which began with our Management Reporter for Beginners tutorial.

In this video, CSSI present Dynamics GP Intermediate Management Reporter Training. We step up the difficulty level and address some of the more sophisticated things you can do with this tool.

In this Management Reporter Intermediate tutorial, we address:

  • How to build a report in the Management Reporter reporting tool
  • The building blocks of Management Reporter
  • Report definition screen
  • Report building blocks logic – column definition, etc.
  • Organizing the report library into folders
  • How to get percentage columns into a report
  • Exporting data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
  • Adjusting fonts, styles, and colors
  • What are format codes?
  • BASE, CBR, and other fun codes
  • Creating a new report from scratch.

Some of the many great uses for Management Reporter:

  • Balance Sheet
  • Income statement
  • Cash flow statement
  • Trial balance
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Account Payable

Need support with Dynamics GP on other topics such as using the smartlist builder, GP training, SQL server management and optimization, SSRS Reports (SQL Server Reporting Services), or upgrading your version of GP? Learn more about how CSSI can help you on these topics as well as GP’s Management Reporter:

Learn more about how CSSI can help you with GP’s Management Reporter:

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Did you miss the first webinar in this series, Management Reporter for Beginners? Click here to view.

Management Reporter is a powerful interactive financial reporting tool used with Microsoft Dynamics GP and other ERP systems. Management Reporter allows Controllers, Accountants, and other Finance team members to create custom reports without the help of their IT team. Ease of use, native Active Directory integration, and scalability are just a few of the reasons why Management Reporter is a great reporting and financial statement tool.

In this recorded webinar, the CSSI Technologies GP team provides a tutorial on Dynamics GP Management Reporter tutorial for beginners. This is part 1 of a 2 part series (see part 2 here – Intermediate Management Reporter Tutorial).

This Dynamics GP Management Reporter tutorial includes:

  • Management Reporter overview
  • Report structure – report definition and how to build a report
  • Running reports – sample report outputs, and how to export reports to Microsoft Excel

Management Reporter can be used as a report designer for many different types of financial data reports:

  • Income Statement
  • Balance Sheet
  • Cash Flow Statement
  • General Ledger

Ready to move on to the second webinar in this series: Did you miss the first webinar in this series, GP Intermediate Management Reporter Tutorial? Click here to view.

CSSI can support you with report creation and training using Management Reporter, Power BI, and SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) and other tools. Interested to learn how CSSI Technologies can help to support your Dynamics GP usage, or to learn about future webinars? Contact us:

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