Setting Up the GP Home Page Startup Folder

Automatically open windows when you log into GP

Do you have a particular window (or windows) that you always open as soon as you log into GP?  You can add windows to the Home Page Startup folder and then those windows will automatically open as soon as you log in.  You can also automatically open a SmartList, a web page, an external program or file or run a macro.

On the Home Page, right-click on Startup.  Select Add then select what you’d like to add.

add startup item

In this example we’ll add the Sales Transaction Entry window by clicking on Add Window.  Scroll down through the list of available windows.  Expand Microsoft Dynamics GP then the module (Sales, in the case).  Find the window name and select it.  Click on Add then Done.

add window shortcut

To test it, exit out of GP then log back in.  Voila!  Your window (or whatever you added) should pop right up.

We hope you found this tip useful. Contact CSSI for personalized GP support and training.

Gather the data you need on one screen with all-in-one views

Here’s how to use GP’s Purchasing, Sales and Inventory All-In-One Views to view all documents related to a particular vendor, customer or inventory item.  (Available in the Inquiry section of each page.)

Creating all-in-one views:

The screenshot below shows the Sales All-In-One Views.  Here you can see Quotes, Orders, Invoices, Cash Receipts and Credits/Returns for one customer. 

GP sales all-in-one view
  • Use the “Order by” up and down arrows to change the sort order in each section. 
  • Add or remove a filter in each section by clicking on the filter icons. 
  • Click on the Options button to choose which types of documents you want to display.
Options button for all-in-one views
  • Click on down arrow in a box to see more details about that document
invoices details
  • Click on a checkox to see all the related documents for that one transaction.  In the example below, Quote QTE01025 was checked and we can then see the quote was transferred to Order ORDST2256, which was transferred to Invoice STDINV2311.  You can also see the Return and the Payment that were applied to that invoice.
see related documents

How cool is that???

We hope you found this tip useful. Contact CSSI for personalized GP support and training.

Save Time With GP Recurring Journal Entries

Do you find yourself entering and posting the same general journal entry month after month? You can save these entries in a recurring batch and post the batch each month. Or even post them out into the future (as long as the Financial module is Open for those Fiscal Periods).

Here is how to create a recurring journal entry in Dynamics GP:

GP recurring journal entries
  1. Create a batch in Financial > Transaction > Batches
  2. Give the batch a meaningful name and change the Frequency to how often you want the recurring entries to post.
  3. If you enter data in the Recurring Posting field, the batch will automatically be deleted after it’s posted that many times. If you leave it set to zero, the batch will never go away (unless manually deleted).
  4. If you choose Monthly for the Frequency, the posting date of the recurring transaction(s) will increment up by one month each time you post the batch. If you choose Weekly the transaction will increment up by 7 days, etc. If you select Misc you can choose how many days to increment it up by.
  5. You can edit the journal entries at any time
  6. You can see in the Batch Entry window the Last Date Posted and the number of Times Posted

Note: You can also set up a recurring batch for payables and receivables transactions.

We hope you found this tip on how to create recurring journal entries in GP useful! Contact CSSI for personalized GP support and training.